Corporate Training
Our Signature Corporate Training Programme – MindModelling Gender Based Selling Programme.
Important: This program does not duplicate any sales training you may already have in your organisation. It begins where those programs leave off….we call this our “Sales Finishing School"
“It’s a fact! Men and Women are wired differently. They have different hot buttons; different emotional needs. They process information differently, they buy differently” – says, Dr. John Gray, author of the NY Times Best Seller Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
If you are in business, and do not understand the gender-based thought process of your prospects, you’re going to close fewer sales. I guarantee it!
The 3 Pillars of Mars Venus Gender Based Sales Training Program
Irrespective of the number of sales training courses you’ve attended, irrespective of what product or service you offer, after completing our Mindmodelling Gender Based Selling program, you will master the art of selling more effectively to men and women and increase your company’s bottom line.
Our new Three Dimensional Sales Training Program is one-of-a-kind! It’s the only sales training program available that incorporates the three pillars of sales training that you need, in order to close more sales.